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Mental Clarity and Decision-Making for Academics

JUNO Workshop

Target audience postdocs of all research areas
Language English
Duration 2x3hrs
Capacity max. 20
Seminar costs Participation is free for HHU members and members of HHU's Medical Faculty.
Credits for habilitation No
Registration Please register using the registration form below.

Upcoming Workshops

Date Time Format Registration
The next workshop will take place in 2025.

9 am - 12pm


Online Training Registration will open in summer 2024.

How do we create the mental clarity to make big decisions when academia leaves us with so little time or energy? Often, we are left trying to make big life changing decisions from a place of self-doubt, emotional reactiveness, and exhaustion. Fortunately, we can learn some tools and strategies to lessen the pressure of decision-making and gain confidence with our decisions, big and small.
In this workshop:
• we discuss the role our biases, thinking patterns, and behavioural choices play in how we evaluate situations and available options.
• we explore the forces that keep us from making decisions: the worry, the
overwhelm, the self-critical inner voices.
• we put in practice concrete strategies to improve our decision-making and
compensate for some of the most common cognitive biases and thinking traps.

The workshop is facilitated by Well-being Consultant Desiree Dickerson, PhD and academic Consultant Vicent Botella-Soler, PhD from Dickerson et al.

As a former postdoctoral researcher in the neurosciences and a clinical psychologist, Desiree Dickerson has worked at both ends of the spectrum - from (lab) bench to bedside. After working in research in New Zealand, Australia, and Austria, she now lives in Spain and spends her time helping academic institutions and academics themselves pursuit a healthier approach to research.

Vicent Botella-Soler has been a PhD student (physics), a Postdoc (neuroscience), a machine learning consultant for startups, a R&D manager for a tech company. With extensive international experience in both academia and industry, he now works as a freelance consultant and author, helping academics and industry professionals snap out of cognitive traps and long-held beliefs hindering their development. He specializes in critical thinking and decision-making for individuals and teams.

