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How to start your group

Workshop 3 - Academic Career Development Programme

Workshop language English
Date winter 2024/2025
Time 9.00 am - 3.00 pm
Workshop format Online Training
Workshop content

Scientists need to develop advanced tools and skills to lead international teams and manage scientific projects. The first group is critical for a successful academic career. Iimportant factor in performance are professional strategies, management, leadership, supervision and communication and conflict management.
To provide leading researchers with an opportunity to build their understanding, skills and confidence in continuing an academic career with the own group. Take home messages are given as “Four Laws of Presentation, Feedback and Reflective Communication."

A balanced and structured program of interactive lectures, challenging activities outside of the “comfort zone” and review sessions will provide a variety of first-hand learning situations allowing partici-pants to identify and take away relevant lessons. Facilitators are habili-tated scientists and group leaders in the natural sciences working as “Certified Facilitators” within the concept of the Thiagi Group Inc.

• Planning and managing my start: project and time management
• Planning my career, scientific independence plan (SIP)
• Writing successful grants (advanced)
• Relationship with grant funding agencies

• Scientific exchange between peers: other participants face the same challenges as you
• Academic portfolio & strategic development
• How to get independent from your supervisor
• Finding good collaborations
• Negotiation
• How to perform in interdisciplinary research
• How to find mentors, how to be a mentor
• How to convince in presentations (advanced)

• Leadership, team structures and hierarchies
• Hiring and firing staff
• Feedback – the most important tool in leadership
• Conflict management
• Networking: local, national, international

Dr. ès sc. habil. Alexander Schiller was a junior professor for inorganic chemistry at the University of Jena (Germany). He broadened his portfolio in 2012 with the project „Schiller & Mertens“: teaching advanced research skills, such as communication in science, team building and leading competences and didactics and methodology in university teaching. As former researcher and group leader Dr. Schiller knows the challenges of starting an own group and addresses them in an interactive setting. 

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