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Junior Professors and Research Group Leaders Network (jungle_net)

The "Junior Professors and Junior Research Group Leaders Network" (jungle_net) was founded at Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf in 2009.
It consists of junior professors and junior research group leaders at Heinrich Heine University who independently lead a junior research group, manage their own budget and can supervise and examine PhD students, but who do not have a permanent faculty position yet.

jungle_net would like to be a platform with the aim of

  • exchanging experiences with regard to leading scientific and academic study groups across disciplinary boundaries in an open atmosphere,
  • increasing the profile of junior scientists and scholars at HHU (and therefore also the attractiveness of the university in the hope that new junior research groups establish themselves there), 
  • being a first contact for newly arriving junior researchers starting their research work at HHU.


Upcoming events:

Jungle Net Lunch
Main Mensa, meeting point ground floor

Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 12 o'clock
Thursday, 22 August 2024, 12 o'clock
Tuesday, 24 September 2024, 12 o'clock
Wednesday, 23 October 2024, 12 o'clock
Wednesday, 27 November2024, 12 o'clock

December Special – 13 December 2024 – Jungle Christmas Party


More information and the latest news, are sent via the Jungle Net mailing list or you get in contact with JUNO directly.


Responsible for the content: