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Research fellows, Fellowship awardees, Junior research group leaders at HHU

Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf hosts several junior research group leaders who have successfully obtained independend thirdparty funding in highly competitive calls. Please find a description of their research work and accomplishments below.

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Tobias Escher
CIMT – Citizen Involvement in Mobility Transitions
Funded since 2019

PD Dr. Sabrina Kastaun
OptiCor - Optimising the treatment of chronic ischemic heart disease by training general practitioners to deliver very brief advice on physical activity
Funded since 2022

Dr. Tobias Jores
Learning the grammar of plant regulatory DNA for targeted engineering of gene expression
Funded since 2024

Dr. Manuel Etzkorn
Understanding the dynamic world of cell signalling and bio-catalysis through integrative native-state NMR

Dr. Nils-Alexander Lakomek
NMR-Methodenentwicklung zur Aufklärung der Struktur und Dynamik von Membranproteinen und membran-verankerten intrinsisch ungefalteten Proteinen in einer Lipidumgebung und bei physiologischen Temperaturen
Funded since 2020

Dr. Bernd M. Schmidt
Functional Supramolecular Systems
Funded since 2024

Prof.  Dr. Christian Tagsold
Japanische Diaspora in Europa, Denkmalschutz der Moderne in Japan und die Idee der besonderen Naturverbundenheit der Japaner in kulturalistischen Diskursen
Funded since 2019

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hannes M. Beyer
Light-assisted programming of synthetic organoid tissues
Funded since 2021

Dr. Bernd M. Schmidt
Member of "Junges Kolleg" since 2020

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Markus Suta
Member of "Junges Kolleg" since 2023

Prof. Dr. Heiko Beyer,   Heisenberg Fellow 2019

Prof. Dr. Esther Florin, Lichtenberg Professorship, 2016-2022

Prof. Dr. Julia Frunzke, ERC Starting Grant 2018

Jun.-Prof. Wolfgang Hoyer, ERC Starting Grant 2017

Prof. Dr. Martin Kliesch, Emmy Noether Programme, 2020 - ongoing

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jan-Markus Kötter, Junges Kolleg, North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts (2018-2021)

Prof. Dr. Karl Sebastian Lang, Sofja Kavalevskaja Award winner 2008

Prof. Dr. Philipp Alexander Lang, Sofja Kavalevskaja Award winner 2010

Prof. Dr. Veronica Maurino, Heisenberg Fellow 2011-2019

Prof. Dr. Cornelia Monzel, Freigeist Fellowship of Volkswagen Foundation, 2018

Prof. Dr. Eva Nowack, Emmy-Noether-Programme of DFG, 2014 - 2019

Prof. Dr. Marc Remke, German Cancer Research Center junior research group, 2015-2020

Prof. Dr. Michael Schmiedeberg, Emmy-Noether-Programme of DFG, 2011 - 2015

Prof. Dr. Ute Scholl, NRW Returning Scientist Programme, 2013-2017

Prof. Dr. Daniel Schubert, Boehringer Ingelheim Nachwuchsgruppe, 2011 - 2015

Prof. Dr. Björn Stork, Heisenberg Programm der DFG, 2017

Prof. Dr. Ingrid Span, Liebig Fellowhip of the Chemical Industry 2015

Dr. Marijn van Wingerden, Freigeist Fellow, 2014-2019

Prof. Dr. Mark Ziegele, Förderlinie Digitale Gesellschaft Land NRW 2018

Prof. Dr. Eckardt Zimmermann, ERC Starting Grant, 2018

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