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Apply successfully, for academics with non-academic job ambitions.

JUNO Workshop

Target audience Postdocs
Language English
Duration 2 days (2x4h = 10 work units)
Capacity 12
Registration Please register using the registration form below.

Upcoming workshops

Date Format Registration
31.10.+08.11.2024 Online-Training (ENG) Registration.


Written and verbal self-presentation are essential for a fulfilling career. However, it is not enough to be qualified; it is more important that others also experience it.

Part 1 The written application; application documents (cover letter and resume)
How do you design your application documents as your business card? Which application documents suit the sector / the job and which application documents suit you?


  • The application procedure: Differences between science and business
  • Your professional profile; personal interests, qualities, experience
  • Differences between science and business CVs as well as intercultural factors
  • Adapt documents to branches, job advertisements as well as corporate culture


Part 2: The oral application; Conducting job interviews

How do you conduct an interview at eye level? What questions should you be sure to prepare for? And which of your own questions should you get answered during the interview?


  • Structure and aims of job interviews: differences academic and non-academic.
  • Typical questions in job interviews for the non-academic job market
  • Prepare and conduct job interviews
  • Self-marketing; self-evaluation and external perception

As a trainer and coach (FH), Caroline Ketting supports people in becoming aware of their strengths, values and opportunities on their career path. After her studies in natural sciences and further training as a lecturer, she found her passion in personnel consulting and coaching. In her trainings, she uses her many years of experience as a recruiter, career counsellor and executive for profit and non-profit enterprises in the Netherlands and Germany.

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